The Chaplaincy department at HMYOI Wetherby recognised the need for a mentoring programme to be established which would support young people leaving custody beyond the gate. At their request, a pilot scheme was initiated during May-July 2013 with six young men leaving custody. The programme was implemented and, using regular assessments, we were able to monitor and evaluate the progress of each person over three months. In each instance positive changes occurred, a reduction in offending was quantifiable, despite one person returning to custody. The Governor of the establishment was delighted with the results and gave her support to the programme.
In2Out was registered with the Charity Commission in December 2013 and the following year was granted office space at the Gate Lodge at HMYOI Wetherby, where we continue to be based. This ‘on site’ presence situated immediately outside the main gate, allows In2Out staff to meet with statutory agencies ahead of a participant’s release. It also allows In2Out staff with security clearance for the prison to visit participants and attend their statutory agency meetings, as well as providing a drop-in for young people on their first day ‘on the out’.
Beginning in 2017, In2Out underwent a transition from a voluntary-led organisation to one with a small core of salaried staff. There are currently four full-time staff and 7 part-time staff, who continue to be supported by a team of volunteers.
2013 – 6
2014 – 50
2015 – 60
2016 – 80
2017 – 71
2018 – 91
2019 – 100
2020 – 71
2021 – 74
2022 – 84
Number of Participants supported: