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Supporting vulnerable young people


Kit has mental health issues. He hears voices, self harms and his self esteem is at rock bottom. He had no expectations of still being alive five years from now.

This is what our mentoring support meant for Kit:

  • He got to know his In2Out Mentor whilst he was still inside and started planning for his release.

  • Kit had regular support 'on the out' which was so important as his self harming got worse.

  • His Mentor went on the bus with him to help build his confidence about using public transport.

  • Kit struggled with money so his Mentor helped him with budgeting

  • His Mentor helped him think about the future, so Kit drew up a 'bucket list' of things he would like to do.

  • Kit's Mentor helped him apply for jobs and practised interviews, resulting in a job offer.

Kit said:

Look at when I was 16, when I thought I was nothing and no one... I don't feel like that now.


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